Counterclockwise S Kicks in SRS

🚧 This article is a work in progress and is incomplete at this time.
🙃 Click here to see clockwise Z kicks

Rotation States

In the above, the S minos are facing North, West, South, and East, respectively, from left to right.

A quick way to check if there was a kick involved in determining the final piece position is to compare the rotation center of the initial piece position with the rotation center of the final piece position. Showing the rotation center also helps us figure out what the rotation state the pieces are in, especially for S pieces and Z pieces. That's why we're showing them on this page.

For the above example, the piece is facing North, West, and South, respectively. Therefore, the rotations used must have been CCW and CCW.

North to West

You can try North to West kicks here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2

Kick 3

Kick 4


For this field, the piece can be placed in the same spot with a rotation in the opposite direction—it corresponds to this kick. Fewer blocks are required. Pay attention to the rotation point.

West to South

You can try West to South kicks here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2 🌟


One of the most basic practical kicks that players become familiar with. They are often used for downstacking. In the example below, you would be rotating CCW twice.

Compare it with this field where you would have to rotate CW twice.

This kick is also preferred specific situations like below. It is faster to place the piece by rotating CCW twice, compared to rotating CW twice. Here is an example where the player on the right utilizes this kick to place the S piece.

Compare with rotating CW twice, which was mentioned in the previous paragraph. This is what most players usually do. It corresponds to this kick.

Kick 3

Kick 4

South to East

You can try South to East kicks here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2

Kick 3

Kick 4

East to North

You can try East to North kicks here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2

Downstacking, upstacking, etc.

Kick 3

Kick 4

Clockwise Kick Table

To see demonstrations of clockwise S kicks, visit the page linked below for counterclockwise Z kicks and click the "Click here to see clockwise S kicks" button at the top of the page.

See Also / References

  • Harddrop Wiki on SRS

PPT-BoardEditor was used to generate custom maps on Puyo Puyo Tetris


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