Counterclockwise J Kicks in SRS

🙃 Click here to see clockwise L kicks

Rotation States

In the above, the J minos are facing North, West, South, and East, respectively, from left to right.

Most of the J-kicks that you will utilize in-game are straightforward. Commonly used J-kicks are marked with a 🌟.

North to West

You can try North to West kicks here and here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2

Kick 3


Not often used mostly just because players frequently forget that this kick is possible.

Kick 4 🌟


Overall, this is a pretty commonly used kick. Boomerang is a method that utilizes this kick.

West to South

You can try West to South kicks here and here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2 🌟


This is also a pretty common one to use while downstacking.

Also sometimes used while upstacking.

Kick 3

Kick 4

South to East

You can try South to East kicks here and here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2


This kick is most often used to reverse the below kick.

Kick 3

Kick 4

East to North

You can try East to North kicks here and here on Jstris.

Kick 1

Kick 2 🌟


This is a very commonly used J-kick for both downstacking and upstacking, more so for downstacking.

Kick 3

Kick 4

Clockwise Kick Table

To see demonstrations of clockwise J kicks, visit the page linked below for counterclockwise L kicks and click the "Click here to see clockwise J kicks" button at the top of the page.

See Also / References

  • Harddrop Wiki on SRS

PPT-BoardEditor was used to generate custom maps on Puyo Puyo Tetris


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